开元棋官网入口:Home page
The video showcases moments of study and research in the university.
Building Communities
A vibrant space that constantly shapes the institution's present
开元棋官网入口:It is through the variety of perspectives that innovative and inclusive solutions emerge
开元棋官网入口:The identity of the University is built with the contributions of all individual
开元棋官网入口:Relationships based on trust, collaboration, and mutual exchange create value
开元棋官网入口:Every action, project, and discovery contributes to the common good
开元棋官网入口:Open and widespread knowledge flows in all directions.
开元棋官网入口:Every person, even those not in the spotlight, shapes and gives substance to the institution
Taking Care
Giving substance to well-being and inclusion: actions to transform values into daily practices

开元棋官网入口: A shared responsibility
Individual and collective well-being stems from an environment that listens, engages, and understands. Here, the community finds space to express itself and grow together.

开元棋官网入口: Work-related stress: promoting well-being and harmony in the workplace
Recognizing and addressing challenges linked to professional demands to create a more balanced and inclusive environment.

开元棋官网入口: Alias Career: self-determination and respect
Supporting the right to be recognized for who you are, with tools that protect the identity and dignity of every individual.

开元棋官网入口: Christmas notes: the Collegium Musicum Concerts
The Choir and Orchestra of Alma Mater are getting ready to celebrate Christmas with two events, on 1 December and 20 December, open to the academic community and the general public.

开元棋官网入口: Under the tree: Christmas traditions around the world
The international student community has welcomed the Christmas season by exploring both Italian and global traditions and creating festive decorations.

开元棋官网入口: Intellectual Property Award
A device for absorbing impacts on helmets, patented by the University, is among the winners of the Intellectual Property Award, the national competition that promotes innovation and highlights the creativity of inventors, rewarding the best patents from public research.
Voices, stories, ideas

开元棋官网入口: "The experience at the University of Bologna changed my perspective on life"
Sofia, student ambassador.

开元棋官网入口: Advice for future students?
Study with passion and don't hesitate to start your career if you love it.

开元棋官网入口: Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions - postdoctoral fellowships
Researchers share their research projects, experiences, and expectations.
From research to society

开元棋官网入口:The Importance of Denisovan Genes for Tibetan and Sherpa Peoples
The Tibetan and Sherpa populations living in the Himalayan region have acquired, through interbreeding with Denisovans, a series of genetic variants that enable them to live permanently at high altitudes. The discovery was published in the journal eLife.

开元棋官网入口:The day a moth scolded me
Maila Cicero, a PhD student in Life, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, tells the story of her research through an imaginary interview with a moth, focusing on her study subject: insects as bioindicators of the health of a territory.

开元棋官网入口:The algorithm for maxillofacial surgery
An artificial intelligence model capable of redesigning a healthy skull, identifying one with malformations, and proposing the necessary "modifications" to achieve the best personalized reconstruction surgery for the patient.