开元棋官网入口:Faculty of Law

For justice and fair?ness

The mission of the Faculty of Law is to produce qualified, ethically responsible legal professionals for both the Finnish and international labour markets through internationally high-quality research and research-based teaching. In addition to Finnish and Swedish language degree programmes, the Faculty houses Master’s Programmes in International Business Law and in Global Governance Law. In addition to conducting research in traditional disciplines (such as private law, criminal and procedural law, international and EU law, and administrative law), the Faculty collaborates with researchers from other fields in research on specific themes, such as globalisation, digitalisation and sustainable development.

In?flu?en?cing legal af?fairs

The Faculty influences society through its core mission of legal research and the education of legal professionals. The Faculty’s alumni are an important resource, in addition to which the Faculty has an advisory board composed of representatives of its key stakeholders. The Faculty’s significant fundraising efforts are based on public engagement.